We apply classical statistical methods in conjunction with the state-of-the-art machine learning techniques to develop a hybrid interpretable model to analyse 454,897 online customers' behavior for a particular product category at the largest online retailer in China, that is JD. While most mere machine learning methods are plagued by the lack of interpretability in practice, our novel hybrid approach will address this practical issue by generating explainable output. This analysis involves identifying what features and characteristics have the most significant impact on customers' purchase behavior, thereby enabling us to predict future sales with a high level of accuracy, and identify the most impactful variables. Our results reveal that customers' product choice is insensitive to the promised delivery time, but this factor significantly impacts customers' order quantity. We also show that the effectiveness of various discounting methods depends on the specific product and the discount size. We identify product classes for which certain discounting approaches are more effective and provide recommendations on better use of different discounting tools. Customers' choice behavior across different product classes is mostly driven by price, and to a lesser extent, by customer demographics. The former finding asks for exercising care in deciding when and how much discount should be offered, whereas the latter identifies opportunities for personalized ads and targeted marketing. Further, to curb customers' batch ordering behavior and avoid the undesirable Bullwhip effect, JD should improve its logistics to ensure faster delivery of orders.
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Generating photos satisfying multiple constraints find broad utility in the content creation industry. A key hurdle to accomplishing this task is the need for paired data consisting of all modalities (i.e., constraints) and their corresponding output. Moreover, existing methods need retraining using paired data across all modalities to introduce a new condition. This paper proposes a solution to this problem based on denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs). Our motivation for choosing diffusion models over other generative models comes from the flexible internal structure of diffusion models. Since each sampling step in the DDPM follows a Gaussian distribution, we show that there exists a closed-form solution for generating an image given various constraints. Our method can unite multiple diffusion models trained on multiple sub-tasks and conquer the combined task through our proposed sampling strategy. We also introduce a novel reliability parameter that allows using different off-the-shelf diffusion models trained across various datasets during sampling time alone to guide it to the desired outcome satisfying multiple constraints. We perform experiments on various standard multimodal tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. More details can be found in https://nithin-gk.github.io/projectpages/Multidiff/index.html
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我们提出了一种新颖的轨迹遍历性估计和计划在复杂室外环境中机器人导航的算法。我们将RGB摄像头,3D LIDAR和机器人的探针传感器中的多模式感觉输入结合在一起,以训练预测模型,以估算基于部分可靠的多模式传感器观测值的候选轨迹轨迹的成功概率。我们使用编码器网络对低维特征向量编码高维多模式的感觉输入,并将它们表示为连接的图形,以训练基于注意力的图形神经网络(GNN)模型,以预测轨迹成功概率。我们进一步分别分析图像和点云数据,以量化传感器的可靠性,以增强我们GNN中使用的特征图表示的权重。在运行时,我们的模型利用多传感器输入来预测本地规划师生成的轨迹的成功概率,以避免潜在的碰撞和故障。当一个或多个传感器模态在复杂的室外环境中不可靠或不可用时,我们的算法证明了可靠的预测。我们使用现实世界中户外环境中的点机器人评估算法的导航性能。
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人们经常利用在线媒体(例如Facebook,reddit)作为表达心理困扰并寻求支持的平台。最先进的NLP技术表现出强大的潜力,可以自动从文本中检测到心理健康问题。研究表明,心理健康问题反映在人类选择中所表明的情绪(例如悲伤)中。因此,我们开发了一种新颖的情绪注释的心理健康语料库(Emoment),由2802个Facebook帖子(14845个句子)组成,该帖子从两个南亚国家(斯里兰卡和印度)提取。三名临床心理学研究生参与了将这些职位注释分为八​​类,包括“精神疾病”(例如抑郁症)和情绪(例如,“悲伤”,“愤怒”)。 Emoment语料库达到了98.3%的“非常好”的跨通道协议(即有两个或更多协议),而Fleiss的Kappa为0.82。我们基于罗伯塔的模型的F1得分为0.76,第一个任务的宏观平均F1得分为0.77(即,从职位预测心理健康状况)和第二任务(即相关帖子与定义的类别的关联程度在我们的分类法中)。
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我们提出了一种新的方法,以改善基于深入强化学习(DRL)的室外机器人导航系统的性能。大多数现有的DRL方法基于精心设计的密集奖励功能,这些功能可以学习环境中的有效行为。我们仅通过稀疏的奖励(易于设计)来解决这个问题,并提出了一种新颖的自适应重尾增强算法,用于户外导航,称为Htron。我们的主要思想是利用重尾政策参数化,这些参数隐含在稀疏的奖励环境中引起探索。我们在三种不同的室外场景中评估了针对钢琴,PPO和TRPO算法的htron的性能:进球,避免障碍和地形导航不均匀。我们平均观察到成功率的平均增加了34.41%,与其他方法相比,与其他方法获得的导航政策相比,为达到目标的平均时间步骤下降了15.15%,高程成本下降了24.9%。此外,我们证明我们的算法可以直接转移到Clearpath Husky机器人中,以在现实情况下进行户外地形导航。
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Teaser: How seemingly trivial experiment design choices to simplify the evaluation of human-ML systems can yield misleading results.
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由于超声图像中的成像伪影和低信噪比,自动骨表面分割网络通常会产生碎片的预测,从而阻碍超声引导的计算机辅助手术程序的成功。由于缺乏执行连通性的监督,现有的像素预测通常无法捕获骨组织的准确拓扑。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个定向引导的图形卷积网络,以改善连通性,同时分割骨表面。我们还提出了有关骨表面方向的额外监督,以进一步施加连通性。我们在1042 Vivo US扫描股骨,膝盖,脊柱和远端半径上验证了我们的方法。我们的方法将最新方法的连通性指标提高了5.01%。
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